September 01, 2010

Waiting For Earl

August is a month in Nova Scotia, especially in the last couple of weeks, when we are supposed to be able to sniff the air and declare that we can smell autumn approaching. There is just that certain quality and coolness that portends the arrival of fall.

Not this year. Going into September, we are experiencing a record breaking heatwave and the approach of Hurricane Earl.

Since Monday, the temperatures have ranged from 30 to 34 degrees (with humidex readings of 40-41 degrees). Since the lows at night have been 20+ degrees, the house does not cool off and now feels somewhat akin to a Tandoor oven. Tomorrow's forecast high is, again, 34 degrees.

Earl is supposed to arrive on Saturday morning. Depending on where in the province it makes landfall, and at what level, it may involve significant destruction. We all have traumatic memories of Hurricane Juan. The only positive aspect of the situation is the arrival, with the storm, of welcome rain and a change in the weather pattern.

Since "too many coneflowers" is an oxymoron, and they put on such a show in this woodland garden, I could not resist trying a yellow variety this year - Mac N Cheese. So far, so good!

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