November 10, 2014

Socks With Nine Yarns
Pattern: K3P1
Yarn: Nine Bits of Leftover Sock Yarn
Needles: Circular - 2.25 mm
Before we left for Italy, I finished off a pair of socks using the remnants of yarn from nine other pairs. It was fun trying to fit the colours together in the best possible way and I felt very thrifty indeed. I have knit so many socks over the last seven years that I can easily wile away the winter months on other projects like this one.
While in Italy, we visited the ruins of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Paestum, and Oplonti. We were a small tour group (twelve plus three hosts) and had an excellent guide, Luciano, who possessed a wealth of knowledge that he was able to convey in such a clear and concise manner.
Street in Pompeii with the various shop fronts. There are grooves visible in the stones of the street from the iron clad wooden wheels of chariots and carts.
The Romans had wooden folding doors with grooves in the stone for sliding them open and closed. I suspect they did as good (if not better) job of hanging doors than our present day contractors.
The amphitheatre at Pompeii
An example of the beautifully painted rooms of the Pompeii villas
A glimpse into the past - 79 A. D.
A wine bar - one of many on the streets of Pompeii - and we think wine bars are a modern day thing!

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