January 18, 2010

Winter's Night

Although we take the Christmas candles out of the windows on the Epiphany, we leave the white miniature lights set up outside as long as there is snow cover. The house is elevated from the street on a low hillside and surrounded on three sides by Crown forest. It is very dark here at night. On the plus side, I read once that future generations of children who live in large urban centers will not see the stars on a regular basis because of light pollution. I think we are lucky to be able to watch the moon rise and observe a night sky full of stars. Our LED fairy lights consume very little energy and we like the idea, at the end of a cold winter's day, of softly illuminating, at ground level, our little corner of the world - both for ourselves and for passersby.

This evening, there was a fresh snowfall - only about 5 cm., but enough to make the front walkway seem like a bit of fairyland on this very crisp, clear, starry night. Alas, I cannot capture with the lens what I see with my mind's eye.

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