July 21, 2009

Ta Da!

If Lucy was here, she would clap and call out "Bravo!"
The mittens are done after having first knit two right hand ones! I misread the pattern instructions and was so involved in the pattern sequence that I didn't notice until the mitt was finished.
It reminds me of playing bridge in the Valley years ago with an elderly, retired school teacher. She had a sharpish tongue and a quick, dry wit. She told the story of sitting on her sofa in Halifax years before, listening to the radio and knitting mittens. The announcement came on that war had been declared and she was so distracted by the news that she knit two left mittens. "There", she told her young son, "You'll just have to wear them that way and support the war effort. I'll have other things to do now."


movita said...

They are SO pretty!

Who are they for?

Isa said...

They're really cute! Surely you've also knit two left hands so that four hands can be happy, right?

Rosie Beaucoup said...

No, drats! I didn't have enough wool in that color! I had to bite the bullet and frog it back!