Designer: Melissa LaBarre
Yarn: Dream in Color Classy
Color: Absolute Magenta
Size: 4 for Lucy Darling
The pattern was originally an adult cardigan and the designer downsized it for children. I am constantly browsing Ravelry for sweet ideas for The Girls and this is the first in a long while that has interested me.
I think the French have elevated children's patterns to a level of sophistication and style that I struggle to find here in North America. If only they attached English translations! I have a gorgeous Phildar (French company) book for children that I purchased in Amsterdam, thinking that knitting is universal and how hard can it be to figure out the Dutch text?! Hmmm....
It's easy to google word translations but harder to translate abbreviations peculiar to knitters!
This TINY Tea Leaves cardigan is a cute design but I am not sure I have a good marriage of yarn and pattern. The Classy yarn is great but this pattern could perhaps use a yarn with a little more drape. And I am not sure that it will be big enough - though size six would be, I think, just too big for a petite three year old. I hope it will all come together with buttons and blocking.