Movita has suggested that since I posted a photo of Adam's teddy bears waiting for Finnie to arrive from France, I also include a picture of the girls' dollys. Unlike the benign and adorable teddy bears their little brother considered as part of his circle of friends growing up, the girls had dolls that perhaps reflected the degree of angst and number of issues that little girls begin to acquire at even a very early age. Adam and his friends, it seemed to me in comparison, were always so much more laid back and really little men of few words.
Of course, I shouldn't generalize. Perhaps it does not reflect the difference between boys and girls. Perhaps it was just that generation of boys and girls. Or that particular community. Whatever the reason, I think I will put these gals back in their box in the basement lest they scare the hell out of little Finnie.
P.S. You haven't seen Baby Chrissy! Lordy, that doll even left the Rutherfords wide eyed one night they were here for supper and Rachael was bonding again with her pal/alter ego at the supper table. The dialogue could have been lifted straight from Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte!