Anonymous writes: Rosie Beaucoup, is it anybody's birthday today??
Rosie Beaucoup Replies: Of course it is. It's Auntie Rach's (aka The Diva). Prior to Good Friday this year, she was known as just plain Rach. But her stature this year is enhanced not only by advanced age but by the new responsibilities she carries as a role model to Lucy Darling. Rachael is the child we have loved the longest.
Rosie Beaucoup Replies: Of course it is. It's Auntie Rach's (aka The Diva). Prior to Good Friday this year, she was known as just plain Rach. But her stature this year is enhanced not only by advanced age but by the new responsibilities she carries as a role model to Lucy Darling. Rachael is the child we have loved the longest.